Authentication server
Open source multi-tenant authentication and authorization server, managing clients, apis, users, permissions and roles. Contains a user friendly UI built with Angular material. This project was created to provide an open source alternative to a complex topic often expensive to solve.

Mondrian painting 2D and 3D
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Recruitment platform
Les nouveaux héritiers is a french recruitment platform serving talents and employers. The website offers a fully animated and adaptive user interface. All components were wisely made taking care of mobile and laptop platform specific features.

Booking service, Domain de la Testa
Domain de le Testa is a camping in the est of Corse where my family used to come every summer. My cousin has taken over the business and I've offered him my services for the booking platform. Customer can check availabilities and book houses. The admin UI include booking calendar, rules, prices, taxes and customer relationship.

Digital strategy for Espace Line
Espace Line is an event startup led by two co-founders. The company offers a mobile event space in a fully redesigned bus. The bus was made to reconnect online shops to their customers in a trendy physical place. In that context I participated on the startup digital strategy including targeting social communication platform, building and launching the website and the online eShop and setting up the point of sell and bank terminal solution.